


Anticlockwise Journal

Dystopia defines the Anticlockwise Empire. Anticlockwise is a dystopia of fear and nightmares, a dystopia of surveillance and isolation, a dystopia of despair…

Anticlockwise Journal  offers a chilling portrait of life in Globopolis, the capital city of the Anticlockwise Empire. The journal was discovered in the secret files of the Globopolis police department. It records the daily life of a citizen called Zeb Solitanu who had been under surveillance by the authorities for several years. Citizen Solitanu was suspected of harbouring and disseminating subversive ideas.

Anticlockwise Journal – a compilation of Solitanu’s blog posts – is on sale at  Amazon


Discover the alien world of Zeb Solitanu in Solitanu’s Blog. Solitanu is an outsider trapped in a hostile extraterrestrial environment where he doesn’t belong. Experience at first hand Solitanu’s attempts to survive in the Anticlockwise Empire and escape to another planet.

Solitanu's World Dystopia

“Just in case the Snoops are eavesdropping on this conversation, I want to make it clear from the outset that everything I tell you is a pack of lies. There’s nothing real in any of it. None of what follows actually happened. It’s what I call Solitanu’s Blog Fiction, a Anticlockwise Journal Dystopiacollection of fictitious posts and imaginary stories. So it’s no use confusing blog fiction with reality.

There might be some unintended or chance similarity with people or events that you’ve seen or heard about, but that’s all it is – a vague resemblance. There are too many surveillance cameras in my world for me to be dabbling in reality. You won’t catch me risking my neck for a few printed words. Life is far too dangerous in Globopolis for stunts like that. No one would last five minutes speaking their mind where I come from. So, for the record, Zeb Solitanu’s Blog Fiction is entirely fictitious………

The bottom line is that I have this crazy idea that I can escape from my own oppressive world by inventing stories about it. It’s my own peculiar kind of personal therapy you see. Writing this blog helps me get by from day to day. But don’t go taking it too seriously, and especially don’t try reading anything exceptional into what I have to say. The world’s too full of far-fetched interpretations and conspiracy theories for my liking. Over-analysing things doesn’t get you very far in the long run. Solitanu’s Blog is as fictitious as the soaps you watch on TV each night. The only difference is that most of the time I’m using words not pictures.”



Anticlockwise Journal – a compilation of Solitanu’s blog posts – is on sale at  Amazon

Dystopia Anticlockwise Book Image


What does Solitanu read on Planet fibs? Fictitious Books

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