

Spirian Altra: The Future Foretold
SPIRIAN ALTRA Spirian Altra transformed my view of the world in a matter of seconds. It’s amazing how far-reaching some incidents in life can be. The [...]
`One Two Three Bang!’ Dicing with Death on Danger Walk Turboplex
`ONE TWO THREE BANG!’ `One Two Three Bang!’ The words have reverberated through my mind many times since the day it happened. They are words that now [...]
Checkmate versus Chequered Flags: Independence Illusions in Estrellaxia
CHECKMATE VERSUS CHEQUERED FLAGS Checkmate is something I rarely achieve in my life. It always appears as a distant possibility, never a tangible reality. [...]
The Spider State: Surviving in a Tangled Web of Oppression
THE SPIDER STATE A loud voice kept reverberating in my head: `Spider State, Spider State.’ Yet nothing made any sense to me. The words hung in the [...]
Heart Attack: The Excruciating Pain of Dying Before Your Time
HEART ATTACK I was suddenly seized by a body-clenching pain. Deep down I knew instantly that it was a heart attack, a massive heart attack. It was [...]
Waxwork Idols: Who’s Afraid of General Terrevotox?
WAXWORK IDOLS Beware Waxwork Idols. Wax is a strange, elusive material that refuses to stay fixed in one shape. It’s the same with waxwork effigies. You [...]
The Safrox Plague: Unleashing a Deadly Virus against the `Undesirables’
It’s difficult to make sense of the news nowadays. There have been so many scare stories recently that even the most gullible amongst us are beginning to [...]
Time To Suffer, Time To Die – Killer Ball The Ultimate Sacrifice
TIME TO SUFFER There’s a logic and cunning to the actions of the Anticlock leaders. Take the latest crackpot scheme that they’ve devised to entertain their [...]
The Cosmic Scandal: Safrons, Neblings, Farawis and Antics
THE COSMIC SCANDAL Scandals come and go in Anticlockwise. The latest one though, the Cosmic Scandal, was particularly dramatic. It was as usual centred on [...]
Feast to Famine: The Lean, Hungry and Dangerous Look
FEAST TO FAMINE We’ve passed from feast to famine in Anticlockwise. Tia told me the other day that I was looking seriously scrawny. One of her [...]