

The Great Wall: Countering SafrAntic Terrorism or Closing Minds?
THE GREAT WALL I knew that things had taken a turn for the worse when the Anticlock authorities began talking about the Great Wall. They made the [...]
Friends and Enemies: Clancy, Tia, Max and Olaf Kaminski
FRIENDS AND ENEMIES You have to know who your friends and enemies are in Anticlockwise. If you place your trust in the wrong person, the consequences can [...]
Open Civil War: Young against Old, Rich against Poor, North against South
OPEN CIVIL WAR For six months after the vote it was an open civil war. I suppose that it was inevitable really. Half the country had wanted one thing and [...]
Freedom Surrendered: Sleepwalking into an Anticlock Disaster
FREEDOM SURRENDERED It was our own fault. We sleepwalked into disaster. How could we have been so stupid? They were smart operators of course. But that’s [...]
Blog Fiction: Fictitious Posts and Imaginary Stories
BLOG FICTION Just in case the Snoops are eavesdropping on this conversation, I want to make it clear from the outset that everything I tell you is a pack [...]